I bought a flower pot which came with these instructions:
» Osteospermum "Sunny Girl®" is an outstanding half-hardy perennial
with bushy habit. Height 10-12". Flowers throughout the summer. Plant in a
sunny, well-drained position. Moderate watering two weeks after planting.
Multiplication only allowed, if licensed through GPL. «
When looking at perl.. have you ever looked into
The language for server apps with the coolest OO syntax ever?
Would you like me to translate the rest of this page?
Send me mail about that.
This page was created using prep and ibiza, an old CMS of mine.
Viel Spaß. -lynx @
Your Linux distro claims to have a zipgrep command
but it's really awful. Doesn't recurse and doesn't like spaces in filenames
so you can't use it to search an archive of MAFFs, for example. This one
is smarter. This zipgrep also doesn't depend on
external apps and handles special purpose ZIPs like MAFF, ODT or APK.
Is it a stupid idea to transfer files one by one using dd instead of cp
or other funny tools? Not sure, but for some reason ddcp
seems to perform better when transferring large files between USB filesystems
and other strange configurations. If your transfer speeds during file copy
suck badly, you can give this a try.
Have a lot of files and lost control over the number of backup copies
in various folders and hard disks? 'fdupes' helps you find those
duplicates by creating an index of checksums, but fdupes only allows
limited action what to do with them. fdupes-after
is a perl script that offers more refined options what to do with the output
of fdupes. been using this on friends' computers to bring order to their chaos!
Djenia saw me typing "ppl" on the unix prompt and it spat out contact information of some people. He liked that, so here's my ppl-tsv people database tool which keeps data in tab-seperated value files. It generates mailing lists, html files, yes even elm aliases.
I didn't add many explanations, so you better be proficient in unix and
Are you a DJ too? You may find
bpm-measure useful.
It's a minimalistic script that lets you tap in a beat
and find out how many beats-per-minute it has. In fact
you only tap the start and the end of an 8 measure period,
which is easier to do but however accurate.
There are dozens of recursive greps. Even the gnu grep now supports -r.
But there is still something rgrep can do that
no other does: With the -e option it calls up your editor with all
matched files!
Have you ever fallen in love with preprocessors? Have you ever gone crazy
on languages like ActionScript, Java™ or Perl not providing one?
Well, here's help!
jaggler (download)
adds or removes comment characters to
enable or disable versions of a file - so all the preprocessing is embedded
in the original file and line numbers in error messages correspond to the
actual lines in the file. 'psycmp3'
uses it, if you need an example.
Schonmal einen MP3 Player von einem Webchat aus ferngesteuert?
Zeit für Net::PSYC!
Auch gut als globalisierter xbiff-Ersatz.. oder banalerweise als
Instant Messaging und Buddy-List System.
ist ja wohl hoffentlich ein Begriff.
Und weil ein PSYC-steuerbarer Player nicht genug ist, gibt es
auch noch makenoise, welches allerlei
Liedermischalgorythmen anbietet, etwa nach Dateigrösse. Selbstverständlich
kann man damit auch Mods, Wavs und AUs anhören - und crypto-MP3s on the fly
entschlüsseln. Jetzt müsste ich das lediglich noch mit psycmp3 mergen!
Passend zu den Playern natürlich auch das
Rip&Ncode-Skript. Wenn man es "rip" oder
"ncode" tauft, tut es nur noch eine der beiden Operationen.
Benötigt lame, is ja wohl klar.
Ein Perlist verwendet kein Serverside-Include, aber manchmal tun's ja
andere. Um daraus eine effiziente Website zu machen kann man
die .shtml Dateien zu .html Dateien einfrieren, mit
Der Klassiker aus dem Kamelbuch, um -r und -n Optionen erweitert:
rename. Eine gute Lektüre für
Anfänger. Wer darin den Schönheitsfehler findet, ist gut.
Extra für Keef, mein prep.
prep ist mein Preprozessor den ich 1993 programmierte um meine
Homepage mehrsprachig zu machen.
Irgendwann hab ich es auch als 5Modul umgeschrieben Parse::Prep. Diese Seite ist mittels prep generiert.
This website is following no particular commercial intent.
Copyright by the registrant of this domain,
save where otherwise stated.
Reproduction of up to 333,33 bytes (2666 bits) is authorized,
provided the source is acknowledged.
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